Redeeming Family Press

One of the consistent themes we've seen in the west is the difficulty in getting access to excellent resources on discipleship. Church libraries are often put to the side, put in the basement, or put to death. So, why, with this current trend, would we start a publishing branch of redeemingfamily? Simply put, because believers, new and old, still read. To "take up and read" is of great value for the believer.

What we are aiming to do with this publishing branch of Redeemingfamily is quite simple, produce excellent books, at low prices, and get those books to individuals, churches and libraries.

All our Bible resources will have free digital versions. All physical copies will be produced at as low a cost as possible.

For every physical book purchased, Redeemingfamilypress will give a book to a church or library.

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What is Redeeming Family Press?

Our purpose in hosting Redeeming Family Press is to equip and encourage families to fully engage in living out the biblical Christian faith in all aspects of life. We provide FREE Bible studies and curriculum to help your family engage in Reformed Biblical Living. On top of our free Bible resources, we offer children’s books and book subscriptions to help you and your family grow in Christ.

What are Your Beliefs?

All our beliefs are formed and founded upon the truth of God’s Word. We are thoroughly creedal in our convictions, affirming the Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds. We are firmly confessional in our summary understanding of God’s Word. We appreciate the Reformed Confessional faiths that many of our beliefs on various topics are found. These are best summarized in the Westminster Confession and Catechism, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Cannons of Dort.

How Can I Find Out More Information on Contributing?

If you are interested in your books being added to our book boxes, having a book published, or volunteering for Redeeming Family Press, please send us an email.